eduroam + OpenRoaming End-User Information

What is eduroam?

eduroam is a global service that provides free, secure Wi-Fi roaming connectivity for the R&E community.

  • eduroam hotspots are typically operated by organisations in R&E and found in the vicinity of such (university, research centre, school, …)
  • Hotspots can be easily identified with the network name (SSID) “eduroam”, and your device will connect automatically when in reach
  • eduroam user accounts are usable at every eduroam hotspot, worldwide
  • You authenticate with account data from your eduroam home organisation, who will learn that you visited a given eduroam hotspot
  • Use of a concrete eduroam hotspot is subject to the Identity Provider AND Hotspot Acceptable Use Policies
  • Data handling during roaming subject to the eduroam Privacy Notice
  • Hotspots are often connected to powerful research backbones

What is OpenRoaming?

OpenRoaming is a global roaming Wi-Fi network with similar technologies, but different focus than eduroam. eduroam user accounts can be used on a subset of OpenRoaming hotspots.

  • OpenRoaming hotspots are typically operated by third parties unrelated to R&E. These are often commercial, found at places of public interest (shopping malls, stadiums …)
  • Your eduroam user account can be enabled by your home organisation for OpenRoaming. Your home organisation will subsequently learn which OpenRoaming hotspots you visit.
  • OpenRoaming hotspots that are free for use by educational users can be identified by the display name: “OpenRoaming (homeorg.xy)” and will connect automatically (hotspots with paid-for access are not included and do not connect, so there is no reason to be afraid of being charged)
  • Where both eduroam and OpenRoaming are available, the connection to eduroam will get priority
  • Use of OpenRoaming hotspots are subject to the OpenRoaming Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
  • A minimum quality of service level is guaranteed, on a very low level


Eduroam OpenRoaming
Locations Academic institutions, high-profile public
Arbitrary Locations
Services Minimum list of open ports,
typically “full Internet”
At discretion of hotspot
Cost Always free at point of use eduroam-provided user accounts will only
ever connect to OpenRoaming hotspots which are free of charge
Terms of Use Terms and Conditions ToC-2020
Privacy eduroam Privacy Notice Privacy Policy 2020
Support The identity provider can escalate issues The identity provider can escalate issues
QoS Typically very-high-speed research networks – no minimum guarantees Very basic minimum guarantee